Command line tools

The following commands can be run from the command line.

The help of these commands may be displayed using

wt <command> --help

create project

Create a new project. Project names must be unique. The project name may only contain alphabetic characters, numbers, dashes and underscores.

wt create_project [PROJ_NAME]
  • Creates a directory PROJ_NAME in the WRFTAMER_RUN_PATH
  • Creates a directory WRFTAMER_HOME_PATH/.wrftamer/PROJ_NAME and a file List_of_Experiments.xlsx within this directory
  • The files namelist.template and Template.conf are created in the project directory

rename project

wt rename_project [OLD_NAME] [NEW_NAME]

Renames an existing project. All directories are renamed accordingly. All paths are updated.

remove project

wt remove_project [PROJ_NAME]

Deletes the entire directory tree in WRFTAMER_RUN_PATH/PROJ_NAME and WRFTAMER_HOME_PATH/.wrftamer/PROJ_NAME.

WARNING: This option may cause massive loss of data. A clear warning is displayed and "Yes" (capitalized) must be typed to confirm.

list projects

wt list_projects

Displays a list of projects managed with WRFtamer

display disk use of a project

wt du_project [PROJ_NAME]

Displays the disk usage of a project. This includes all files, both in the WRFTAMER_RUN_PATH as well as in the WRFTAMER_ARCHIVE_PATH.

display runtimes

wt runtimes_project [PROJ_NAME]

Display the runtimes of all experiments in PROJ_NAME.

TODO: how to update these numbers?

update database

wt update_db [PROJ_NAME]

Not yet implemented. TODO: implement.

All commands below have the option --proj_name [PROJ_NAME].

PROJ_NAME: the name of the project EXP_NAME belongs to. Omit this option if EXP_NAME is not part of a project.


wt create [EXP_NAME.yaml] --namelisttemplate [namelist.template] --run_wps [BOOL] --comment [STRING] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]

Create a new experiment. Each experiment name may only be used once per project. The creation of an experiment includes the following steps:

  • Create a directory structure
        ├─ wrf
        ├─ out
        ├─ log
        ├─ plots
  • link relevant files to the wrf-subdirectory
  • create namelist files
  • (optional) run WPS
  • create submit scripts if the environment variable WRFTAMER_make_submit is set to True.
  • copy the file EXP_NAME.yaml to the EXP_NAME directory as configure.yaml.


A configure file named EXP_NAME.yaml.


-- namelisttemplate. The namelist template that is used to create the namelist files. Default: built-in.

-- run_wps: True or False

-- comment: A short comment that describes what the experiment does.

run wps

wt run_wps [EXP_NAME] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]

Run WPS for an existing experiment. The configure file used to create the experiment is required as an argument.


wt rename [EXP_NAME] [NEW_EXP_NAME] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]

Changes the name of an experiment.


Removes all data and all references to EXP_NAME. To avoid loss of data, this must be confirmed by typing 'Yes' (capitalized).

wt remove [EXP_NAME] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]


An experiment is copied to a new experiment directory. Large data, i.e. wrfinput_d0X and wrfbdy_d0X files are only linked to the new directory. This option is intended for the creation of experiments that use the same input data, for example comparing the impact of different boundary layer schemes. Apply changes in the NEW_EXP, and run the experiment.

wt copy [EXP_NAME] [NEW_EXP] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME] 


wt restart [restart_file] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]

restartfile: /path/to/a/wrfrst-file

The timestamp used in the filename of the wrfrst file is used to determine starting time. Starting date and time, runtime and restart = .true. are set in the namelist.input file. You still need to submit the run as usual. Use [move] bevor re-submitting the run to avoid tslist files to be overwritten. [process_tslist] can combine multiple tslists to a single file.


Move wrfout, wrfaux and tslist files from the wrf to the out-directory. logfiles are moved to the log-directory. wrfrst files remain in the wrf directory.

wt move [EXP_NAME] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]

Process tslist files that have been moved to the out-directory.

wt process_tslists [EXP_NAME] --location [LOC] --domain [DOM] --timeavg [avg] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]


LOC: the shortname of a tslist point as stated in the column named 'pfx' in the tslist file. All locations are processed if this option is not used.

DOM: the domain (i.e. d0X) that should be processed. All domains are processed if this option is not used.

AVG: a list of averaging windows lenghts in minutes. The tslist data is averaged over the required periods and data is written to seperate files. Example: --timeavg [5,10] for 5 minute and 10 minute averages.


Move an experiment directory to the WRFTAMER_ARCHIVE_PATH. Deletes all files in the wrf-directory expect exept the namelist.input file and auxillary files.

wt archive [EXP_NAME] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME] --keep_log [BOOL]

BOOL: if false, log directory is deleted as well. Default: True.

display runtime

wt wrf_timing [EXP_NAME] --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]

Display the time an experiment took. Data is extracted from the xlsx file for speed. Run [update_db] to update this data.


first steps

wt first_steps [wrf_and_wps_parent_dir] --exe_dir [exe_dir] --essential_data_dir [ess_dir] --non_essential_data_dir [ness_dir] --vtable [Vtable]

This command combines the make_essential_data_dir and make_executable_dir and provides default values to the options. The function creates the directories listed and copies files to the right directories.

Default values:

exe_dir  = $HOME/wrftamer/bin/wrf_executables
ess_dir  = $HOME/wrftamer/src/wrf_essentials
ness_dir = $HOME/wrftamer/src/wrf_nonessentials
vtable = 'Vtable.ECMWF'

make executalbes dir

wt make_executable_dir [wrf_and_wps_parent_dir] [exe_dir]

Creates directory exe_dir and copies executables from wrf and wps to this directory.

make essentials dir

wt make_essential_data_dir [wrf_and_wps_parent_dir] --essential_data_dir [ess_dir] --vtable [Vtable]

Creates directory ess_dir and copies all files that need to be present in the run directory to ess_dir

cleanup database

wt cleanup_db --proj_name [PROJ_NAME]

If you delete an experiment or a project using rm -r instead of wt remove and wt remove_project, entries remain in the database, causing problems with other commands. This command removes these entries.

start watchdog

wt start_watchdog [wd_script] [PERIOD]

Add a cronjob to the crontab that will be executed every [PERIOD] hours. The command to be executed is defined in the [wd_script]. Refer to create watchdog script for more information.

Be aware that [wd_script] must contain the absolute path to the script.

stop watchdog

wt start_watchdog [wd_script]

Removes the cronjob defined by [wd_script] from the crontab.

create watchdog script

The watchdog, a simple crontab checks every [PERIOD] hours for runs that are complete. For those that are, the postprocessing protocol, as defined in the configure.yaml file is performed. However, cron must know a few parameters in order to be able to call the script. Therefore, the command

wt create_wd_script [MINICONDA_PATH] [CONDAENV_NAME] --template [template_file]

Creates an appropriate bash script to be executed by cron.

MINICONDA_PATH: the path to your miniconda installation. Check that MINICONDA_PATH/bin/activate exists.

CONDAENV_NAME: the name of your conda environment.

Options: template_file: a template file to create the bash script. You may create your own with variables "miniconda_path", "HOME" and "condaenv_name".