Getting Started


First, create a new conda environment and install the required packages. These are:

  • click, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, openpyxl
  • pathlib, xarray, cartopy, shapely, netCDF4
  • tqdm, pyyaml, pytest, panel

Then, install the package. Change to the main directory of the repository and run

python install

If you do so, don't forget to reinstall after any changes.

During development, a better way is to install using editable mode with pip

pip install -e .

First Steps to use WRFtamer

1. (optional) Set environment Variables

We recommend to set some environmental variables to define where WRFtamer related files and directories will be created. See optional environmental variables.

2. (required) Prepare WRF and WPS

These steps only need to be repeated if you change your WRF or WPS installation.

WRFtamer requires that the directories WRF and WPS are in the same directory. Let us call it WRF_and_WPS_parent_dir.

├─ WRF_and_WPS_parent_dir
        ├─ WRF
                ├─ main
                ├─ ...
        ├─ WPS
                ├─ geogrid
                ├─ ...

Use the commands

wt first_steps <WRF_and_WPS_parent_dir>

to create directories and copy executables as well as important files to these directories. This command uses default options. If you are using a different Vtable than Vtable.ecmwf, or you want to use different locations, you can add this information using options. Refer to the command first_steps for further details.

Example usage of WRFtamer

This exaple shows how to use WRFtamer to create a project Test_Proj, an experiment Test_Exp, run the experiment, and performe postprocessing.

Important: do not remove the directories created by WRFtamer manually. Instead, use wt remove_project and wt remove. If you happen to remove such a directory anyway, use the command wt cleanup_db to get rid of database entries that are no longer valid.

0.(optional) create a project. You may skip this step and not use the option --proj_name in the commands below. In this case, the experiment will be created in WRFTAMER_RUN_PATH.

wt create_project Test_Proj

This command creates a project folder with the same name as the project and copies the files namelist.template and Template.conf to this folder.

1a. Prepare configure file for an experiment

cp configure_template.yaml Test_Exp.yaml

Edit Test_Exp.yaml accoding to your needs.

In the section paths - set the path wrf_executables to <EXE_DIR> - set the path wrf_essentials to <ESSENTIALS_DIR> - set the path wrf_nonessentials to <NONESSENTIALS_DIR> - set the path driving_data to the directory containing your driving data for this experiment (typically grib or nc files from a global model).

in the secion namelist_vars:

  • State the modifications of the namelist.template file. Refer to the namelist.template that has been copied to your working directory or to the one here to find out which variables must be changed. You may write your own template file to fit your needs. WRFtamer creates a namelist.input file based on these changes. This will be a combined namelist used by both WPS and WRF.

in the secion link_grib:

  • keep suffix_len: 3. Most likely you want to keep this option unchanged. Find more information here.

in the secton submit_file:

  • You may change the number of nodes and the walltime for your slurm job.

You may re-use this configure-file to create similar experiments. Also, th file will serve as a documentation of your experiment as WRFtamer can re-create the experiment using this file.

1b. Create Experiment and run WPS

This command will create a folder structure for experiment Test_Exp, link relevant files, run WPS and creates submit-files.

wt create Test_Exp.yaml --proj_name Test_Proj --run_wps True --comment 'This is a short comment to describe this experiment.'

2. Run wrf.exe

cd Test_Exp
sbatch # once real.exe is complete

If you do not use slurm, you need to write your own submit-scripts and submit the files using the scheduler installed on your machine.

Wait for the run to finish.

3. Postprocessing

The command move will move wrfout, wrfaux, and tslist-files to the out-folder of the experiment directory.

wt move Test_Exp --proj_name Test_Proj

If the tslist feature of WRF was used, you may run

wt tslist_processing Test_Exp --proj_name Test_Proj --timeavg=[10]

This will combine the txt files created by the tslist feature and put the data in a netcdf file. Furthermore, 10 minute averages are calculated and a netcdf file of these time series is created as well. You find these files in the out-directory.